Processed Paper

A material developed by Pia during her studies in Design at the Royal College of Arts in London .

Surrounded by paper, she began a journey of processing paper waste into objects.


During her studies Pia was looking into ways to preserve and modernise traditional crafts, with her own strong interest being for wood work.

She experimented with various ways to use processed materials, rather than raw materials, in the wood workshop. Processed Paper is a result of these experiments, and has since been applied in the design of furniture, objects and jewellery.


n its simplest form, Processed Paper is a roll of paper sheets, glued together with simple paper glue. Manmade and laborious to produce, the raw material contains printed and coloured sheets mixed up to allow for lines of colour or detail to appear in the finished object. 

These dried rolls have a hollow center, and the material is limited in size as it is hand rolled. 


Once dry, the paper can be cut and sanded just like wood. In our studio we use techniques like lathe turning, cutting, sanding and hand shaping to reveal shapes .

The objects are alway entirely unique.


Colour and Glass


Freehand shaping Glass : Bench Work